And...I'm back!

Hi Everyone, I know it’s been a while since I’ve made any posts but I’m alive and well and ready to share a little of my crazy life with you. You’re probably wondering, “Where the fuck you been, girl?” Well, I’ve been working on knowing myself. I know that’s a pretty big statement, but it’s totally true. I was taking some self-development & leadership classes thru this organization place called MITT since December. These training courses helped shed light on areas in my life where I’ve allowed old limiting beliefs I have about myself to prevent me from going after what I really want in life. Some of these beliefs were “I’m too fat” or I’m too black” to have everything my heart truly desires. I’ve learned to notice the difference between my true self and that voice in my head. Now I say "FUCK OFF" to the voice because I'm a baby panda and can do whatever I want! So what was I doing all that time? Here's a quick run down. Febru...