And...I'm back!
Hi Everyone,
I know it’s been a while since I’ve made any posts but I’m alive and well and ready to share a little of my crazy life with you.
You’re probably wondering, “Where the fuck you been, girl?”
Well, I’ve been working on knowing myself.
I know that’s a pretty big statement, but it’s totally true. I was taking some self-development & leadership classes thru this organization place called MITT since December. These training courses helped shed light on areas in my life where I’ve allowed old limiting beliefs I have about myself to prevent me from going after what I really want in life. Some of these beliefs were “I’m too fat” or I’m too black” to have everything my heart truly desires. I’ve learned to notice the difference between my true self and that voice in my head. Now I say "FUCK OFF" to the voice because I'm a baby panda and can do whatever I want!
So what was I doing all that time? Here's a quick run down.
- February I faced my fears & learned to trust others on a team building ropes course. I didn't trust my team to hold me and I tore my ACL & Meniscus in the process but continued on with the course anyways! #Beastmode
- March Felt like I was working 3 jobs with a torn ACL & didn't even have time to watch porn. I also got to see rocket ships being built. Talk about possibility.
- April I was barely sleeping & eating but sharing my leadership experience with everyone in my life.
- May I worked on a great community service project & officially graduated from my leadership class! Huge accomplishments!
- June I celebrated my 38th birthday at Sardo's Bar for Pornstar Karaoke where I was interviewed by the LA Times at Pornstar Karaoke . 2 days later, I went in for knee surgery to fix my ACL.
- July was spent in recovery & introspection mode where I got to learn to receive and ask for help when I need it!
I got to spend some time with the one and only James Deen recently. He was having a party to raise funds for a mainstream short film he's producing by Alex Montilla called OVERKILL! It was July 31st, the night of the Blue Moon and some cosmic shit was definitely going down because this was the best encounter we've had so far! It just gets better and better each time I see him! Since I want to keep this blog kinda short, I won't go into the details of the conversations we had but just know it was fucking awesome. It's all locked away safely in my spank bank but I'll share some important highlights with you.
So James told my best friend that he loves me, I'm his guardian angel, I always support him, and I always defend him on the internet! Pretty amazing huh? I'm still glowing from that & I still haven't fully processed it was said! He's my lifesaver and I'm his guardian angel, wtf! Then this wonderful woman named Cheryl Wischhover approaches me and says, "Do you think I can interview you about James? He & Shannon (JD's Neverboss :) told me you're one of his biggest fans." My response was "Hells Yeah" obvs!!!! The Elle Magazine article came out on Aug 3 and I hope you get a chance to read it. I'm really proud to be one of JD's #1 Fans and now its out there, all over the internet's face! I truly thank God everyday for the amazing opportunities & experiences I've had recently and I know there's so much more to come!
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HOLY SHIT, IS THIS REAL LIFE?!?!?!?!?!?!?! |
Okay, remember the bitchy voice I told you about earlier trying to hold me down? Well even when it comes to sharing my experience with JD, it tries to make me feel bad about getting to see him again. For just a little bit, that voice made me hesitate about posting this blog because I don't want to make anyone feel bad if they haven't met Mr.Deen yet. But wait, I want everyone to meet him! So why shouldn't I share it? If anything, I'm telling people how down to earth & amazeballs he really is. When other Deenagers on Twitter or Instagram say "OMG you got to meet him? I'm so jealous", my response is always something like, "There's no need to be jealous, your day with Deen is coming, just don't stop believing it's possible, because it can happen! So I told that voice to simmer down, I'm posting this shit because Deen Dreams Cum True!
XXX & Love to you all!
Ropes course photo courtesy of Thommy Cho
Bottom left & top right pictures in the JD collage are courtesy of Gordon Mui!
Ropes course photo courtesy of Thommy Cho
Bottom left & top right pictures in the JD collage are courtesy of Gordon Mui!
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