I'm Back And Doing Yoga
Hello Friends...I'm Back! It feels a little strange to sit down and write a blog again. So much has happened and it's a bit hard to figure out where to start. When people ask what I've been up & why I haven’t posted anything new, I usually say I’ve been doing "research" which is sort of true. Research can involve everything from attending the porn convention, going to sex ed conferences and banging! When I finally reflected on why I really hadn’t been posting blogs, the answer I came to was fear. Fear of offending others or being judged for my opinions made me feel my voice didn’t matter. I realized I was allowing fear to stop me from expressing myself and it didn’t feel good. Then a few months ago a new man was elected president of the United States. During the whole campaign I remember saying to myself, if this man (He Who Should Not Be Named) becomes president and can do or say whatever the fuck he wants then so can I, this is Merica right?...